

If you have booked a tour or lesson and are unable to attend:

48 hour cancellation - full refund 

24 hour cancellation or less - 1/2 refund and $5 of the retained funds will still be donated to a Pictou County Non-Profit. 

If SUPDAWG must cancel due to inclement weather all efforts will be made to communicate this effectively and as soon as possible.

 A rain date for the event will be offered and if you are unable to attend a full refund will be provided. 

Assumption Of Risk

 I understand and accept that attending an event and using SUPs exposes me to many hazards and entails unavoidable risk of death, personal injury (including but not limited to drowning or bodily injury) and loss of or damage to property. I also understand I should be in good physical health to use a SUP.  I choose to use a SUP in spite of these risks and hereby assume all risk of injury or loss of life to myself and loss of or damage to property arising out of attending a lesson or tour.  I understand the inherent risk involved in using this equipment and participating in an event; accept full responsibility for any and all such damage or injury which may result.